So, the only thing that the Special Edition on PS5 will always have over the PC version is some graphical improvements. And that campaign mode with more enemies: modders managed to recreate that mode, too. And I don't even like heavily altering the game - mods allow me to cherry-pick all the fixes I want to create what I think is the best experience.

Graphics Options Devil May Cry 5’s graphics options include a list of many varying features. I wouldn't play this game nearly as often if it wasn't for the modding community. Devil May Cry 5 is a great action game, here is the graphics options and settings in the game. I don't have friends, so I can't use that xD but it's a good example of what kind of crazy shit comes out of this community. The default game has this "cameo" system where players can see other players in the background of certain missions, and some dedicated modders manipulated this system in order to bring 4-player online co-op to this singleplayer game. There is a DLC to get that Vergil character, and the modding community for DMC5 is insane.

I highly recommend getting the game on PC. The game-changing additions are the new playable character, Vergil, and a campaign mode that basically spawns 10x as many enemies in each encounter.

The Special Edition has some graphics improvements that I honestly don't care about.